If I have a love affair with anything as a writer, it’s with website writing. Don’t get me wrong- I love writing blogs and brochures, but websites tap my creative juices, and writing for other industries gives me permission to nerd out on research and information gathering. It may not sound fun to you, but […]

Your Hero Banner: Why this Small Piece of Your Website Matters So Much

Your hero banner

September 22, 2022

I might be dating myself just a bit, but do you remember the hot days of summer when you got dropped off at the mall? Like when your mom finally said yes? With Claire’s Boutique faux diamonds dancing in your eyes, you couldn’t wait. You pulled together the coolest outfit you could assemble and packed […]

May 5, 2022

The Importance of a Relevant Message: Lessons from the Mall’s Last Breath

copywriter on couch

Wrapping up 2020: You May Say I’m a Dreamer, But I’m Not the Only One If you follow my blog, you’ll probably see I love to weave in my favorite song titles and lines and sprinkle my writing with funny personal tales of my daily work and personal life to guide women through business and […]

Set Your Feet on a Firm Foundation

October 18, 2020

Starting a business seemed easy-ish. When you started your business, I’m sure you couldn’t wait to share what you sell and could only think of trading what you do or sell for some profit. You love what you do, and you were sure others would too. Open a cute shop and they will come. Make […]

August 30, 2020

5 Jobs to Outsource to Increase Profitability

If you sell something, it costs something. A massage. Photography. Design Services. Clothing. Mental Health Services. The business formula seems simple enough. You have something to sell. You price it. People buy it. More people buy it. You end up with a mansion on the beach. If only it were that simple. Your mansion days […]

3 Ways to Communicate Your Value and Pricing

June 28, 2020

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